Provencal Chicken w/Green Olives (dinner)

by Irene Lindvall

I needed a good protein to accompany the stuffing and I've had this recipe saved from a Bertolli Olive Oil cookbook, and was drawn to it because of the olives. I knew that Eric wouldn't care for them, but there wasn't a lot to the recipe and he could pick them off. The recipe is pretty self-explanatory except when cooking the chicken it just says "cook until evenly browned". I'd prefer to know how long to cook something, and in this case I really needed to know. Not only did the onions come out charred and inedible (photo 2), the chicken was so nicely charred that Eric thought it had skin on it (which it didn't). Regardless of all that, the chicken was still moist, but really lacked taste. Thank goodness for the stuffing.

Things I learned from this recipe:

I hate recipes that do not give me heating instructions. Cooking chicken for 15 minutes on medium heat is a lot different than 15 minutes on medium-high heat.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe - I really did not like the wording of this recipe and do not feel like it's worthy of sharing.