Brussels Sprouts & Wheat Berry Slaw w/Smoked Paprika Dressing

by Irene Lindvall

I definitely needed a salad for Thanksgiving, and knowing that my mom loves all things green I chose a brussels sprout slaw. Eric was in charge of the shredding which was done in the Cuisinart food processor. Thank goodness he was in charge of it because it took 30min to get all the shredding done and to separate and pick out all the ends that we didn't want to eat. I think if I had the right blade it probably wouldn't have taken so long, but we made do and I really appreciated his help.

I also decided to keep it a secret that the slaw was made from brussels sprouts because most of the family is not a fan. The first thing my mom said when she saw it was that it was so pretty. I have to agree! On a table with a lot of browns and oranges this bright green slaw was a welcome change. I believe it was the first thing I took a bite of because I really wanted to know the taste. I thought it was delicious and so strange at the same time. I am also not a huge fan of brussels sprouts and Eric hates that putrid smell/taste that most people associate with them, and I am happy to report that is nonexistent in this slaw. Amazing. My brother had no idea it was brussels sprouts, my dad wasn't overly interested in eating anything green for dinner but did said it was fine, and my mom really enjoyed it.

All the work of shredding and the waiting of the wheat berries on the stove (1.5hrs) was definitely worth it. I could not have been more pleasantly surprised with this dish.

Things I learned from this recipe:

Shredded brussels spouts taste (and look) a lot like cabbage.

Most people pronounce it as "Brussel Sprouts" instead of as a plural like it's supposed to be.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe