Quinoa and Vegetable Stew (lunch)

by Irene Lindvall

Yum, yum, yum! This stew was so great! It was just what we needed on a cold day. The dish was easy to make, and I some how managed to cook the potatoes perfectly - I'd like to credit America's Test Kitchen for perfecting the dish and knowing just how long to cook each ingredient. All of the ingredients blended so well and I never tasted just one thing at a time - the way a good stew should taste. I look forward to making this again on another cold day.

Things I learned from this recipe:

I often think of the word stew as a negative word because I really disliked it growing up, but this has renewed my faith, and I love that it's vegetarian. 

Would I make this recipe again?:

The recipe - I'm still cooking from that magazine.