Filipino Chicken Adobo (dinner)

by Irene Lindvall

I was supposed to make this for dinner last night, but we got a really late start to the day and didn't start to think about dinner until 9pm. That was when I noticed the chicken needed 30 minutes - 1 hour to marinate. I decided that couldn't happen so last night was a bust. Today I happened to notice that the dish also needed significant cooking time (more than 35min) but we managed to eat by 7:30pm. Other than the dish taking a long time to cook, everything was great. There was basically no prep, the coconut mixture is made while the chicken is in its first phase of cooking and there is barely any clean-up. Overall, we thought the dish was good, but agreed we wouldn't want to eat it all the time. It is quite rich from the coconut milk and for me, it was a little sweet - perhaps from that and a combination of the apple cider vinegar.

Things I learned form this recipe:

Even though a dish can take a long time to cook, it doesn't seem like it when there is no prep and little clean-up.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe - The magazine