Blackberry Hazelnut Crisp

by Irene Lindvall

Eric and I became and Uncle & Aunt today for the first time so I baked a little something in celebration!

This is a really easy dish, and while the oven is preheating and then while the hazelnuts are baking the rest of the recipe can be completed. I will admit, I still hate peeling hazelnuts and will actively not make recipes that contain them in the future, but I sure do love the taste. The hazelnut crisp portion of the recipe was excellent and I could've just eaten the top. The rest of the dish...well, it didn't turn out so great. How hard could it be you ask? Well apparently really hard for me because the rest of the dish never hardened up and it was a big goopy mess. It was very sad and pretty much inedible, although in retrospect it probably could've been served over ice cream. O'well, chalking it up to another disastrous baking adventure.

Things I learned from this recipe:

It's very hard to measure berries. I bought two flats and it ended up being two pints too much.

Would I make this recipe again?:

No, although I'd love to just cook the hazelnut portion and eat it as a snack.

The recipe