Chicken and Turkey Sausage Gumbo

by Irene Lindvall

After a successful meal with the slow cooker last night (of which Eric happily ate leftovers for lunch today) I decided to press my luck and use it two days in a row. What a disaster. I started off with poor time management (again). I didn't start the slow cooker until 12pm and needed it to be on low for eight hours. This recipe also called for adding additional items 45 minutes before the end of cook and turning it on high, which meant we needed to be home by 7:15pm. We didn't get home until 8:15pm. Which I thought was okay, at first. I quickly did the last step and added the flour to thicken everything and reset the time. After the time was up I realized I had no idea whether or not I set it on high (it already turned itself to warm mode) - I this the answer is no because it never got thick. I also noticed the sausage (I used chicken instead of turkey) and some of the thigh pieces turned slightly brown. I have no idea what happened there but it really wasn't appealing. I think this meal could've been successful had I chosen a day where I was home at the time of the end of cooking, but in all honesty is didn't have a lot of flavor in comparison to last night. The best part of the meal = the french loaf. Sigh.

Things I learned from this recipe:

Okra is not a favorite in this house.

I don't like slow cooker recipes where I need to do something additional after pressing start.

Would I make this recipe again?:

Probably not.

The recipe