
by Irene Lindvall

We love sushi in our house. I don't trust most grocery stores so I do all of my raw fish shopping at Uwajimaya. I usually stick with tuna, hamachi and salmon. Today I also added ebi (shrimp) and Japanese cucumber for garnish. While there are very few steps to this recipe all of them are important. Using sushi rice is important as well as adding a sushi mix to the rice to add flavor. After adding the mix I fanned the rice for approximately 3-5 minutes. While I threatened to use frozen rice the other day I chose not to tonight. :) After fanning, the placement of fish is all that is left.


Things I learned from this recipe:

Never underestimate the importance of good wasabi.

Keep fanning the rice until it's not hot to the touch.

Would I make this again?:

Without a doubt.